

分类:范文日期:2023-11-02 18:11:35



雅思口语万能词—— ☆ do

1.他只是执行自己的任务而已。he just did his own task.2.认真工作就是履行自我职责。hard working is the right way to do one’s duty.3.他所犯的罪早晚要遭到责罚的。sooner or later, he will be punished against the crime done by himself.4.本周末他们要在这里为孩子们演一出戏,莉莉扮演美丽的公主。they are going to do a play for children here this weekend;lily is going to do the beautiful princess.5.道格拉斯从小就很喜欢模仿迈克杰克逊。douglas loves to do mj since he was a little boy.6.吃过饭通常我都会妈妈清洗盘子。i always help my mother to do the dishes after 这个单词是我们在初中或者小学的时候最早接触和掌握的单词之一,但是对于它的理解却只是停留在皮毛而已。在印象中,do的含义是“做,干”。与之相比较,在上述的6个例句中,它的含义却拓展为:执行、履行、犯、扮演、模仿和清洗。为什么我们的理解和它真实的含义或者实际用法之间存在如此显著的区别呢?这也充分证明了我们之前的学习和理解上可能存在偏差。do到底可以表现怎样的一个过程呢?通俗来说,任何的一个主体(包括国家、机构或者个人)赋予或者安排一个任务给第二个主体,第二个主体把这个任务完成的过程就是do。黑社会的老大交给小混混一个任务,小混混完成了,这个就是do(犯罪);妈妈让儿子去洗碗,儿子去洗了,这个过程也是do(清洗)。


1.吉姆收到一封来自美国的邮件。jim gets a mail for america.2.我们花了一天的时间才抵达纽约。it takes us whole day to get new york.3.给我拿一本书过来。please get me a book.4.我们刚刚去超市买了几瓶饮料。we just went to supermarket and got bottles of drink.5.他在报纸上得知他最好的朋友回国了。he got the news that his best friend is back from newspaper.6.妈妈每天下午5点钟才能到家。my mother gets home at 5:00pm everyday.7.因为堵车,丹尼斯没有赶上飞机。denies didn’t get his flight due to traffic jam.8.我们一直到昨天晚上11点钟,才联系上总经理。we didn’t get general manager until 11:00 pm yesterday.9.今天太冷了,要多穿一点,否则,你会患上流感的。it is too cold today, you should wear more, otherwise you would probably get the , 我们使用最多的含义是得到和获取,但是,和do一样,它可以理解成为一个过程,那就是空间上两个分开的物体,从有距离变得零距离接触的过程。拿第一个例子来分析一下,吉姆收到一封来自美国的邮件,本来邮件在美国,吉姆在中国,空间上存在很大的距离。邮件从美国寄出来送到吉姆的手中,空间上变为零距离,而这个过程就是get。雅思口语万能词——☆take

1.请帮我把那个杯子拿过来。please take that cup here for me.2.对于大多数人来说,如果有公共汽车我们就不会选择乘坐出租车。as for most of us will not take a taxi if bus is available.3.生病的时候一定要按时吃药。we must take the medicine on time if we get sick.4.莉莉离婚了,她直到认识了李先生才接受这个实。lily got spanorced, she could not take

it until she met .5.紧紧握住她的手,否则她会离你而去。take her hands tightly, or she will leave you.6.按我的要求做,我会承担一切的责任。do as i requested, and i will take all the responsibility.7.这个小孩子得了禽流感。this kid has taken the bird flu.和get的含义很相似,也极容易混淆,take也可以理解为物体在空间内运动。不同的是,get表示两个物体做相向运动,最终靠近、接触。而take表示的含义为:两个物体在相互依靠或者距离比较近的情况下同步运动。乘车,也就是车体和乘客同步运动。吃药的结果也是药片和服药的人一起运动。其他的情况差不多。


1.他已经拥有两台笔记本电脑了。he has two laptops.2.这辆车装载了自动空调系统。this car has an automatic air conditioning.3.那个小男孩懂一点法语。the little boy has a little french.4.我收到了哥哥的来信。i had a letter from my brother.5.我想要一瓶啤酒。i will have a bottle of beer.6.我们经历了一个糟糕的夏天。we had a difficult time in last summer.7.这个星期天我们准备一起吃晚饭。we will have a dinner this weekend.无论是拥有、装载、收到还是吃,从根本上讲,代表的都是物权上的所属关系,无论汉语的表述如何,只要本质可以理解为物权关系,都可以用have。


1.我的女儿为我做了一个很精致的生日礼物。my little daughter made a pretty present for my birthday.2.这家公司生产汽车。this company makes cars.3.他的爸爸用捡来的石头砌了一堵墙。his father made a wall with the stone he picked everywhere.(此处,make指修、建、造等)

4.赚钱越来越不容易了。making money is becoming harder and harder.5.每一个国家都需要制定自己的法律。every nation must make its own laws.6.上大学的时候,我们组建了一个乐队。we made a band in university.7.英语角是一个交朋友的好地方。english corner is a good place for making friends.8.罗斯创作了很多的流行歌曲。ross has made a great many of popular songs.9.我要打个电话给我的妈妈。i will make a telephone call to my 的含义也很容易理解,尽管我们最初接触的意思是制作,但是,从广义的角度去理解,应该指一个事物从无到有的过程。因此,只做蛋糕可以用 make;组建乐队还是可以用make;沏茶可以用make;砌墙还是可以用make。因为他们所表达的都是一个事物从没有到最终存在的过程。




your work work do you do? did you choose to do that type of work( job)? you like your job? it very interesting? 5.(possibly)do you miss being a student?

your studies/ study efficiency subject(s)are you studying? ck:horticultural plants and garden did you choose to study that subject? ck: love e classical garden;plants;trees with beautiful flowers and flowers with sweet smells;work in a garden or botanical garden; you like your subject?(why?/why not?)many opportunities to get close to nature;have visited almost all the parks in this city, identify garden plants, get to know many kinds of plants;lern about landscape designing it very interesting? to design a wonderful garden,learn classical design when visiting diffent kinds of gardens,conform to my drawing,difficult, interesting,compare to those students who learn mathematics or computer science.5.(possibly)are you looking forward to working? become a university lecturteacher, receive a phd degree first,if possible;i want to study abord four next few years. you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? sleepy in themorning,get up early;reading aloud,practice and improve my oral english capability;full of energy,higher learning efficiency;recite some difficult knowledge point or solve the difficult problems which need conscious mind do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning? sleepy,sleep late and get up early,some folk are morning people and others are night is no right or wrong, but there is a right way for you personally.i will probably go with studying in the evening, because it would be very quiet at that time and there would be no much other depends on the people’s biological people always get tired after waking people find it less productive in the morning due to variety of disturbances, like playing smartphones. do you do to improve your learning efficiency? firstly i would find a suitable place,like the library in my university,it;s quiet and s, i would set a target every time before getting started and push myself to the limit to realise it;moreover, taking breaks regularly is also very important which could help relax my brain and get freshed ,i can not help playing mobile phone,so its better for me to turn it wn ’s(the name of)your hometown?

well, my hometown is the city of leshan, which is a small and quiet is surrounded by the mountains so that it is a pretty nice place to weather there is quite pleasant all year round, even in winter the temperatures are quite that a big city or a small place? although leshan is developing a lot recently, and expanding every year, it is still a traditional town as the new architectures are built in the old-fashioned is a tourist city, leshan giant buddha and montain emeilocated in leshan and attract millions tourists every addition, the food there is can digest a lot of local snacks that can not be tasted sum, i believe my hometown is definitely worth a long have you been living there? i was born and raised there.i only moved out when i went to university in i had lived there for about 18 years. you like your hometown? yes,small quiet air is plan ort convenient,no traffic is m filed is developed attracted millions tourists. do you like(most)about your hometown? the people are extremley friendly(and fun).the food's great too.i like that it has sooo many memories, that i can remember my school 's small, not too crowded and everybody knows everybody , my hometown earns a high reputation for its leshan mountain which attracts floods of tourists every year around the is renowned for its graceful pines, unusual rocks, cloud sea and hot springs.i have been there for two times.i was really attracted by its magnificent natural scenery. there anything you dislike about it? i don't like the traffic sometimes!.there are too many tricycles, local people donot obey traffic rules you think you will continue living there for a long time? if i could find a decent job in my hometown after graduation, i wouldchoose to staye that case, i can live closely to my parents, take care of them, and enjoy a comfortable if i can't find satisfactory life, i may choose to stay in this city, because there are more employment opportunities for young odation you live in a house or a flat? i share a student dormitory with another three students in my person's living space is not big(about 3 square meters),and we get along very my home town,i live in a flat with three bedrooms in thesuburb.i've lived there for before my family bought it 10 years ago. you prefer living in a house or a flat? definitely i would like to live in a big all depends on my i can afford it i will of course buy a posh house in which i can enjoy my a big house,i can held big parties and my relatives can live in my house when they visit you plan to live there for a long time? i still have a year to graduate, so i have to stay in my dorm room for another i start to work, maybe i will rent a small single room,which near my 's the difference between where you are living now and in the past? when i was an undergraduate, i shared a dorm with 5 other is very crowded, almost no learning room and private graduate student dormitory live only four people, while has the same area as before, therefore i have my own desk, and the life is more you describe the place where you live? sure, i am delighted with the campus dormitory where i live is on a hill in the are a lot of trees,so the air is very morning i wake up in the bird's r, sometimes it’s a bit noisy at night because of the too many young students live room does your family spend most of the time in? the living room is where we spend most of our main reason is that we can watch tv, or have a heart-to-heart talk.i really enjoy the feeling when the whole family gathers together, talking, laughing and even dancing after the transport facilities to your home very good? they are really is no subway in my hometown, but the public transportation system is very bus stations is just behind my is just a 3 minute-walk describe the room you live bed is two meters high, under it is a desk and a wardrobe.i put some books and a computer on my desk.i share this bedroom with three other roommates, which is only about 12 square have a balcony, and i planted some plants to the balcony is a bathroom, there is a big dorm is not big,but just part of your home do you like the most? probably the bedroom, which has a beautiful and large balcony.i often read some interesting books on my desk and have a fantastic view of the whole you willing to live in the countryside in the future? air frsh,food, for young people the lack of rural jobs paying a living wage and high transport and housing costs continue to make it hard for them to live in the and quietness

family(new) relative did you most often see when you were a child? my cousin live in the same community. do you think is the most important member in your family? mother manage the home and father should be the protector and rock of the member of a family is important and plays a role in the nuclear do you like to go shopping with? my will buy me what i want,though she will spend ages to compare two similar would you like to have dinner with when you have free time? my parents.i have left them to atend university since a few months in a year we can be reunited, so have , i will have dinner and chat with them in my free time school old were you when you started school? i started my elementary school since seven year did you get to school each day? my school was just located near my home, so every day i walked to school with myself, or sometimes with my you still in contact with any of the friends you had in primary school? only a few,which we went to the same middle school later,and spent another three years were some of the most popular activities in primary school? there are several engaging activities in my school, such as sports meeting when the whole school played sports were some exciting competitions like 100 metres dash, or s, we went autumn outing every year to some local natural didn’t have class and could enjoy the happy time with our classmates you ever returned to see your old school again? yes, every time i go back to my hometown, i’d like to visit my old school and i’ll be very delighted to see how my school developed.i was really proud of ’s a golden period of my life and school days never come rs(new) you like any teacher of yours? my favourite teacher was my physics teacher whose name was in my middle was the most influential teacher i had ever told us a lot of physical background knowledge to encourage and motivate us because physics was quite complicated for us.i still remembered that he frequently gave us articulate speeches that the physics was the gymnastics for the brain, which inspired my enthusiasm to learn it well. you still keep in touch with your teachers? only a few. you think it’s important to like your teachers? you want to be a teacher? i don’t think i am suitable to be a teacher, i am not a patient man and cannot bear to repeat the same things rs’ job is really boring to me, you have to make your explanations as easy as possible for students to fully is a challenging job, i am afraid i cannot do it. qualities should a good teacher have? you have a favorite teacher? you want to be a teacher in the future? kinds of teachers do you like? you think teachers should be angry at students or not? you like strict teachers? 1's the different between young and old teachers? 1 it important for teachers to interact with students frequently? 1’s the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates? you have a favourite teacher? do you like the teacher? does(did)this teacher help you? you think you could be a teacher? you like to be a teacher? 2 个人爱好 art(new) you like art? do you feel about it? benefits does(participating in)art bring to people? important do you think art is in the lives of people? do you think people like to have a painting(or other artwork)in their homes? you ever been to an art gallery before?

bags(new) types of bags do you use? do you put in these bags? you usually carry a bag when you go out? sorts of bags do women like to buy? you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider? do you make your choice when you are buying a bag? you think the style of a bag is very important? you have a bag for special occasion?

bags types of bags do you use? 观点:背包 rucksack.自己每天会在包里放很多东西,比如说书和电脑。carry books

观点2:手提包 handbags, 里面有化妆品,雨伞,钱包等

you usually carry a bag when you go out? 观点1:是的.包包是很好的配饰,nable accessory

观点2:尤其当我去逛超市的时候。出行带袋子意味着少使用塑料袋,这样可以避免白色垃圾的产生。reusable shopping bags

sorts of bags do women like to buy? 观点:名牌包包, 拿着有面子,显示自己的社会地位和财力 designer bags a statement of social status, earning power

观点2:白领喜欢买挎包,可以装下各种文件,并且比较正式,适合商务场合。shoulderbag,business settings

you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider? 观点:重量和容量,自身重量太重的包包背起来很累,不适合日常使用,容量太小放不下自己的随身物品,也不方便。carry personal belongings

观点:价格,自己还是学生,喜欢性价比高的包 good value for money

you think the style of a bag is very important? 立场:是的 爱美和追求时尚是女人的天性,款式老旧的包背着让人不开 keep up with fashions

you have a bag for special occasions? 立场:没有。自己没有参加过什么特殊场合,一般都是背书包,轻便。chocolate(new) often do you eat chocolate? you like chocolate when you are young? do you like chocolate? do you think chocolate is so popular all over the world?

books(new) often do you read?

once a i take subway or long distance train trip,i prefer to read books about history to kill time. you have any books at home?

keep some books i like and the books my friends give me as l arts novel,show a world full of chinese people do enough reading?

prefer to,free time to play computer, watch too tired, need to many distractions,playing cellphone. chinese people like to read? read of people use mobile phones to read e-books on subway;there are a lot of readers in the library, but there are few people who buy books in the bookstore. kind of people like reading and what kind of people don't like reading very much? the person which is gentle character love ent read less books

flowers you like flowers? why? yes i like flowers.i often water the flowers planted by my dad in the backyard and it is one of my favourite pastimes.i feel quite relaxed when i’m watching those beautiful flowers. flowers do you like? why? i just love the lotus flower, which stands for purity.i wish i could i have a big garden full of lotus flowers and walk with my girlfriend there.i think it would be extremely romantic and exciting to do so. is your favorite flower? flowers important in your culture?(give examples)in my culture flowers are often used to express gratitude and love to friends and they are very important.i often send flowers to my close friends at their wedding what occasions are flowers important? your country, do people ever give flowers as a gift? do you usually buy flowers? you ever sent any flowers to someone else? you have any custom about sending flowers on some special occasions? people in your country like growing flowers?

games you often play games? games are popular in china? different age groups of people like to play different games? have computers influenced the games people play? ’s the difference between boys and girls in terms of playing games? ’s the difference between adults and kids in terms of playing games? ’s the difference between games played in the past and now? age do you think is the best time to play?

gifts often do you buy other gifts? you like to send expensive gifts? kinds of gifts are popular in your country? do people send gifts? you think it is important to send gifts? did you get a gift last time? you send gifts to others during their birthday time? you like to receive gifts?(why?/ why not?) kind of gifts do you like to receive?(why?) gifts did you receive in your childhood? you like giving gifts to people?(why?/ why not?) gifts did you give to others in your childhood? yeah, i really enjoy receiving gifts from friends because i’m always moved when someone gives me a gift on some special occasion like my birthday.i sometimes receive some books, fruit, tea from my close ly, i really enjoy receiving books as gifts because i’m a bookworm, reading is my favourite i was a little boy, i had received a wide variety of gifts that i really liked, such as books, stationery, balls and so , i do.i’m pretty into giving gifts to friends because gifts can enhance the friendship between friends, although they will cost much, i still like sending gifts because i believe giving is much more pleasure than taking.i just remembered when i was young, i was used to send friends something i made by myself, like making a you like to wear hats? kinds of hats do you have? do you like to buy hats? wearing hats popular in your country? what occasions do you wear hats? should people wear hats?

painting you like painting or drawing? often do you visit art galleries? kinds of things do you like to draw? it easy to learn how to draw? you ever learned painting in your childhood? you like art show/display/exhibition? you ever been to art museum? you think a person can teach him or herself how to draw? you think young children should learn to paint at school? do you think some people buy wall paintings?

photography(new) you like to take photographs?(why?) you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos?(why?)(why)did you become interested in photography? often do you take photographs? what situations do you take photographs? kind of photos do you like to take?(why?) you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery? do you keep your photos? you frame(or have you framed)any of your photos?(if yes, which? & why?) you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself?(why?)观点:喜欢,拍照是我的爱好之一,我喜欢拍下每一个好看的风景,比如旅游的时候,可以作为纪念 capture beautiful images, keep my memory alive

观点:不喜欢,因为我对自己容貌没信心,我不上照,特别不喜欢自拍photogenic, take a selfie

(why)did you become interested in photography? 观点:因为我的一个摄影朋友,每天都会在朋友圈更新最新内容,激起了我想要拍照的欲望 social media account fire enthusiasm

观点2:感觉拍照可以让别人觉得我有品位,有艺术的天赋,tasteful, artistic talent

often do you take photographs? 观点:每周一次,现在我要工作,平时工作很忙,只能在周末的时候,才可以休息出去玩儿顺便摄影,我也喜欢回家修图 edit photos


you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery? 观点:我喜欢拍风景,特别是当我把一个很普通的地方拍出不一样的感觉,颜色搭配很好,会很有成就感

观点:喜欢拍人物,因为捕捉生活中特别的时刻很有意思,譬如说家庭聚会的时候 capture special moments

do you keep your photos? 观点:我的大部分照片在我手机里,我会定期把照片上传到电脑,特别喜欢的照片会打印出来放在家里的照片墙

sing/music you often like to sing? do you like to sing? how much time do you spend on singing everyday? kinds of music do you like to sing? it difficult to sing well? you want to be a singer? is your favorite singer? singing popular in your country? makes a singer popular all over the world? do many people what to be famous through singing? you often sing? do you like to sing? much time do you spend in singing every day? kinds of music do you like to sing? it difficult to sing well? you want to be a singer? well, singing is the biggest passion in my life.i almost sing everyday, especially when i am doing my homework, washing dishes or even having a bath.i think music can make me i am a very outgoing boy, i like singing very much, especially when i am taking a shower for ten or fifteen e at that time, i feel relaxed and happy, so i really enjoy myself.i sometimes sing some pop music from taiwan and hong kong which can make me calm, and i also frequently sing some american pop music, like the backstreet boys.i can feel the energy when i hear the tune.i always believe that there’s nothing difficult in this world, if you put your heart into myself as an example.i was poor at singing before, but later i have been keeping practice in front of the mirror, and i can sing much better gh i’m really into music, i never think about that question before ly, i’m not very interested in becoming a singer, because i know honestly that singing is a long way to i will focus on my current work.p2p3 1 人物类

a person who just moved home(new)you should say: when and where this person moved how you know this person what this person brought and how this person felt about part3 you like to live in big houses or small houses? do old people like to live, city or countryside? you like to move house frequently? it easy to move house in china?

describe a person who moved in with you you should say who that person is when he or she moved why he or she moved in with you and explain how it affected your life 1 同事 2 大学同学 3 都喜欢体育的人 4 打工的人 5 一起准备考雅思的 why do you think children move out of home? 观点1:去其他城市学习



观点2:开始工作,想独立 解释:减轻父母的负担

举例:他们需要赚钱自己承担房租,饮食,还有攒钱买房子 拓展:为未来的家庭生活做准备

what kinds of skills do children need to acquire when they live independently? 观点1:生活基本技能



观点2 :社交技能,和不同的人打交道


举例:比如说租房的时候,和房东砍价就需要良好的沟通能力 举例2:如何和室友相处


举例:怎么pay bills, 怎么budget,怎么避免没有用的消费 结果:提前退休,享受生活

well, i once lived with a good friend when i was just graduated from university and rented an apartment with two bedrooms just near where i was a good guy and got alone well with me since we knew each other in the asked if i would like to live with him so that we could share the rent and i thought it would be perfect to live with him because we were good friends and trusted each found me firstly when he needed some players in his team to attend the school football league in the we found some more hobbies in common such as travelling and photography, so we became good friends and spent lots of time worked in the different companies so we had lots of working experiences to share at home, and he was a good cook too, so i could enjoy delicious food when back home at we agreed to tidy up the room in turn so that our apartment was always i think living with him is quite enjoyable because we could share lots of things together, but did not have to worry about bothering each other in the daily life.a person who has a great influence on you(new)you should say: who this person is how you know this person what influence this has on you and explain how you think of the influence

part3 social values should parents teach children? children misbehave at school, what are the reasons? you think mass media have a great impact on the young generation? is it hard for adults to change? to help young people to develop good habits?

a famous person in your country(new)you should say: who this person is how you know this person what this person is famous for and explain why you like this person

part3 general, how do people become famous? kinds of people become famous? you think to become famous, a person need to have some special talents? are some general qualities famous people have compared with ordinary people? e the way people become famous today with in the past(30 or 50 years ago). your opinion, were the standards for judging who is famous before better than whey are now?

a person you have met before and you want to know more about(new)you should say: who this person is when and where you met what you did or talked about and explain why you would like to know more about this person

part 3 do chinese people make friends? is more important to you, friends or family? you like to be friends with someone who is different from you? you have any foreign friends? is it easier to make friends on the internet than in reality?

a wild animal(new)you should say: what it looks like where you can see it what is likes to eat or do and explain why you like it

part 3 you think animals have feelings and rights? people breed animals such as dogs for money, how do you feel about this? you think there should be laws to protect the welfare for pets and farm animals? there any wild animals in china that are not found in any other country? do chinese people feel about the protection of wild animals? do you think are some of the benefits to humans from protecting wild animals?

do you think it is acceptable to keep animals in zoos? 可以


原因:动物的自然栖息地被破坏了habitat degradation 举例:大熊猫住的森林不断缩小,熊猫濒临灭绝 结果:在动物园受到照顾,从而可以存活

观点2:动物的生活条件不好 原因:动物园的预算不够



what is your opinion about pet ownership?

观点:宠物比较活泼 playful creatures 结果:降低人们的孤独感

观点2:宠物得到人们的照顾,提供食物和住所 对比:在其他地方,动物可能会忍受饥饿和疾病

相反观点:容易感染疾病 spread diseases 解释:猫和狗身上有很多的寄生虫携带 carry parasites.特定化,特别是那些被遗弃的宠物

do you think zoos have a role to play in education? 立场:有

解释:城市高楼林立,孩子没有途径去看到野生动物 built-up areas 举例:很多孩子可以在动物园里看动物,比如藏羚羊,熊猫



解释:小孩会以为动物生活的很好,忽视很多动物在野外遇到的问题wildness areas 举例:动物看到老虎,并不知道老虎已经在野外很少见到

do you think it is possible to reintroduce animals to the wild? 立场:我觉得很难

解释:很多动物习惯了被人养的生活,已经失去了在野外生存的能力 survive in the wild 举例:一只被驯化的老虎吃饲养员提供的肉,如果在野外,没有能力去和同类竞争食物 compete for food sources 结果:容易丧失生命 die of hunger

观点2:自然栖息地被破坏 destroy the environment 举例:农业,旅游业,木材砍伐都让动物无法藏身 seek shelter 结果:动物在原来的地方很容易灭绝 die out

a creative inventor or musician(new)you should say: who this person is what this person does how you knew this person and explain why you think this person is creative

part 3 creative activities did you like to do when you were young? do people like to copy others’ ideas these days?

is the best way to cultivate children’s creativity? you think creativity can be learnt? does art help to nurture creativity?

a leader you admire you should say: who this person is;how you know this person;what skills he or she has for leadership;and explain why you think he or she is a good leader let me tell you about one of my close friends who worked with me in the same company several years ly it was he who had an interview with me when i applied for a position in that company after i graduated from university, we had a nice talk and he was obviously satisfied with my related was really an optimistic and infectious man with his work, therefore when he started to be responsible for the new business, some colleagues were very interesting in his plan and tasks, and were always likely to offer their s, his superior was quite confident of his success, and gave some necessary financial and human supports.i had been working with him for over two years.i believe he was really good at encouraging his staff into doing something that seemed to be tough to realise and inspiring them to our business was quite new in the market, he made us feeling like pioneers in this field, which definitely inspired my enthusiasm was really a cool thing, because to be honest, i learned the most things in my work during that 3 your culture, what kinds of people can be leaders? there been a change in the characteristics that leaders should have? women are earning more money now, does it mean that they can be leaders?

a person that you like to spend time with you should say: who is the person how do you know this person what you like to do together and explain why you like to spend time with this person

part 3 do you usually spend your spare time? do some young people dislike living with old people? do you usually do when you hang out with your friends? you like to spend time on your own or with your family/ friends? 物品类

one of your favorite films(new)you should say: when and where you saw it what type of film it was what the film was about and explain why it is your favorite film

an interesting song you like(new)you should say: what it is which country the song comes from what story the song tells and explain why you think it is interesting describe an interesting song you should say: what it is;which country the song comes from;what story the song tells;and explain why you think it is g in the wind 2 a christmas song 3 heal the world

what kinds of music do young people prefer? 观点:节奏感比较强的歌曲 strong beat 举例:像是rap, rock music 原因:这类歌曲比较有活力,歌词贴合年轻人的生活以及心理

观点2:我觉得他们喜欢歌手多过音乐 举例:只要颜值高的歌星,他们就很痴迷 physical appearance, obsessed with celebrities

do the elderly and the youth like different types of music? 立场:是的


举例:年轻人喜欢节奏感强,歌词有趣的流行乐 fast tempo 对比:老年人喜欢怀旧歌曲 classic music

what are popular musical programmes on tv? 观点:歌手选拔类节目 talent shows, singing competitions 原因:评委是国内顶尖的歌手,会给予参赛选手很多建议。同时也会现场演唱 top singers, a panel of judges 原因2:这些节目给人希望,只要有音乐才能,就有可能出名 achieve fame 举例:像是中国好声音,一个和美国偶像类似的节目 american idol

what's the difference between watching music on tv and attending concerts? 观点:去演唱会是一个社会活动

解释:和朋友一起去,和其他乐迷互动,和singer互动 对比:在家看电视自己看

观点2:去演唱会是一个难忘的经历memorable experience 解释:你要排队买票,你要现场感受气氛,你会近距离看到自己的偶像 对比:看电视每天都可以看,没有特别的感受

a special meal that you would like to have(new)you should say: where you would like to have it who you would like to have it with what you would like to eat and explain how you would feel about the meal

something you did with a group of people(new)you should say: what the activity was when and where you did it who you were with and explain how you felt about being part of this group an area of subject that you are interested in(such as physics, mathematics)(new)you should say: what it is when you started to become interested in it what you have learnt from it and explain why you have interest in it

part 3 is your opinion of modern education in school? school subjects do you think are most important, why? school subjects do you think will be the most important in the future? school subjects do you think will be the most useful in adult life? are the advantages of studying computing in high school?

an advertisement you have seen recently(new)you should say: when and where you saw it what was advertised what the contents of the advertisements were and explain how you felt about it

part 3 are the different kinds of advertising? kind of advertising is most common in china? are the ways in which advertisements catch the attention of viewers? big companies prefer to advertise on tv or in some other ways? are the good and bad points of advertisements? advertising on the internet very influential? any kinds of advertising in china considered illegal? you trust advertisements? do you feel about false advertising?

a website you like to visit(new)you should say: when you found it what it is about how often you visit it and explain why you like this website

part 3 are some of the different reasons why people use the internet? people say that different age groups have different tastes on internet do you think? influences can the internet have on children/ teenagers? you think parents should control what internet sites their children visit on the internet? do you think of people who have a computer and who do not have one? e the types of people who do not use the internet with those who are the disadvantages people suffer because they do not use the internet?

a difficult decision you once made and proven to be right in the end(new)you should say: when you made the decision what the decision was who was with you and explain why you had a deep impression on this decision

part 3 is the most important factor in decision-making? parents make decisions for their children? can people learn from wrong decisions? you like to make quick decisions? you think adults always make good decisions than children?

a small business you want to have in the future(new)you should say: what it would be what you need to prepare for it where you would have this business and explain why you would like to do this business

part 3 challenges and difficulties do people face when they try to have a successful small business? should be the government’s role in how small businesses run? are some of the advantages and disadvantages of small businesses compared to large companies? can small businesses benefit the people in the community where the businesses locate? kinds of small business are most popular in china? do some people open their own business? qualities does a small business owners need to have? an interesting song(new)you should say: what kind of song it is how you found it what it is about and explain why it is interesting to you

part 3 do old people like to listen to? would your grandfather feel if you gave him some hip pop music to listen to? do you think old people like old songs? do think people of different age group have different favorite songs? kinds of music do children in china like to listen to? are the differences between popular music and the music that young children like to listen to? do some people like to play musical instruments in the open?

a sport that you like to do and is a little bit expensive(new)you should say: what it is how much it usually costs who do you usually do it with and explain why you like to do this activity

part 3 sports are popular in your country? are the major differences between extreme sports and ordinary sports? do you think of expensive sports? do you think some people strongly dislike playing sports? you think people should be encouraged to try some of these extreme sports? you like to do a rather dangerous sporting activity? do you think some people like to do these dangerous activities?

describe an activity/a sport you do sometimes which is a little should say: what it is;how much it usually costs;who you usually do it with;and explain why you like to do this activity.可能的ideas: golf 2 rock climbing 3 skiing 4 tennis

do you think people will be happy when they become richer? 观点一

毋庸置疑,金钱对于幸福感很重要little doubt, afford some comfortable housing 可以买很多东西buy different things 比如买房子afford some comfortable housing 让自己生活得更舒适provide a comfortable environment 感到自豪feel proud of yourself 因为可以为家人改善居住环境improve the living conditions 观点二:

金钱并不能让你获得快乐的唯一因素determine all the pleasures you can derive 其他因素包括家庭,社会关系和归属感a sense of community 为挣钱拼命工作,会感到孤独feel isolated 无法和家人朋友保持联系maintain contact with 因此沮丧feel depressed

why do most people want to be rich? 观点1:让家人的生活更好 观点2:经济成功有成就感

原因:人们认为有钱的人事业成功,很聪明 特别是白手起家的人self-made billionaire 原因2:有钱的人还可以做慈善

how do rich people contribute to society? 观点1:设立奖学金,帮助年轻人读书


an activity that you do after school or after work(when school term ends)(new)you should say: when and where you do what you like to do who you do it with and how you feel about it

part 3 you think schools should organize more group activities? kinds of activities are good for children’s health? kinds of classroom activities are popular in your country? young people play dangerous sports?

an interesting tradition in your country you should say: what the tradition is how you knew this tradition what people do with this tradition and explain why you think this is an interesting tradition

part 3 is it important to protect traditions? is the most important tradition in your country? kinds of traditions have disappeared in your country? should children learn about traditions? can governments do to protect traditions?

something that you have shared with others you should say: what you shared when you shared it who you shared with and explain why you shared it or how you felt when you shared it

part 3 people in your country prefer to share public transport or do they prefer to use private transport? many people in your country share their home with others or do they mostly live alone? you think there are any advantages of sharing your home with other(non-family)people? you ever share your food with someone else?

a piece of good news that you received you should say: what the news was when and where you heard it how you heard it and explain why you think it was good news

part 3 do people share good news? does modern technology affect the delivery of information? do people share good news? kinds of good news have you received before?

口语讲堂第51期:a piece of good news

an important skill that you learnt when you were a child you should say: what the skill was when you learnt it how you learnt it and explain why you think it was important

part 3 age will make it difficult for a person to learn a skill? the age of 5-20 be better? will you learn a skill from, friends, teachers or parents? ’s the difference between children learning what they like and learning what they have to learn?

a big company you are interested in you should say: what is the company called;how did you know this company;what kinds of business this company does;what kinds of interesting activities does the company have

part 3 is the difference between big companies and small companies? there many big companies in your country? re the good things about working for a big company? can a small company grow up? big companies donate more to charities? companies be punished more seriously if they break the law?

a program or app in your computer or phones you should say: what the app/ program is;when, where you found it;how you use it;and how you feel about it

part 3 kinds of app do you have on your phone? are the drawbacks of having too many apps on your phone? much time do you spend on these apps? you like to look for new apps or just keep using the old ones? you use free apps or the ones that you need to pay for? what are the advantages and disadvantages of using apps for children? 观点1:提高学习效率

举例:现在有很多教育类app,比如说记忆单词软件,提高听力理解的软件listening comprehension 结果:孩子们能够利用零碎时间学习知识


原因:很多软件都会每天推送广告 exposed to advertisements 举例:八卦,打折信息 get distracted 结果:没有自制力的孩子很容易被吸引,从而降低学习效率 learning outcomes

do you think educational apps can benefit children? 观点:教育类app使得学习更为便捷和高效 原因:孩子们可以在手机上获取信息,而不用那么麻烦的开电脑 get access to information 举例:现在牛津、朗文字典都推出了app, 学生可以直接在手机上查阅不认识的单词,而不用随身携带厚重字典 look up dictionaries

what are the disadvantages of using mobile phones? 观点1:视力下降

背景:很多孩子都长时间盯着频幕,很容易造成视觉疲劳。并损伤视力 结果:很多对视力有要求的工作不能做。比如说医生, drivers, pilots

观点2:小孩变得anti-social 原因:电脑有很多游戏,还有社交app 结果:小孩不喜欢和家人交流,不够礼貌,对别人缺乏耐心

a method that helps you save money you should say: what the method is;when you started to use it;how you knew it;and explain why it is helpful

part 3 can parents do to teach children to save money? do young people tend to waste money? kinds of things do people like to buy in your country? schools in china teach anything about financial management? it necessary to teach teenagers to manage money? do parents give pocket money in your country?

a character or personality of yours you should say: what it is;how it affects your life;where you get it from;and how you feel about it

part 3 kinds of characters are popular in the modern society? qualities should a good teacher have? you think parents’ character can affect young people’s development? you like to develop a specific personality in the future?

an activity you do to keep fit you should say: what the activity is;when, where you usually do it;how you do it;and explain why it can keep you fit

part 3 do old people in your country do to keep fit? kinds of sports are popular in china? you think young people should play dangerous sports? else people can do to keep fit besides sports? do parents do to make their children like sports?

口语讲堂第52期:keep fit

a gift that you recently gave to others(new)you should say: when it happened who you gave it to what gift you gave to the person and explain why you gave this gift to others

part 3 china, when do people give gifts to others? sorts of things do they give? people today still give the same kinds of gifts people gave many years ago? do people like to receive gifts? are some of the possible different reasons why give gifts to other people? you think it is suitable to give money as a gift? you think it is a good idea for people who are doing business with each other to exchange gifts?

a piece of equipment in your home(new)you should say: what it is how often you use it who you usually use it with and explain why this item is important to you

part 3 it changed much over the years? you think that the item you talked about is important to society? you think everyone needs to know how to use the item you chose to talk about? kinds of electrical appliances are most used in the home, besides the telephone and computer? are some examples of electronic or electrical equipment that are used for communication?

an interesting photo(new)you should say: who took it who was in the photo when the photo was taken and explain why it was interesting

part 3 are the occasions when people take photographs? do people like to take many photos when they are travelling? a friend asked you to look at some photos he had taken, for example some photos of his holiday, how would you feel? you think photos can really help people past events in their lives? is the value or importance of photos? you think it is good to take photos? why? you think photos are important for adults or for children?

an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept you should say: what it is;how your family first got this thing;how long your family has kept it;and explain why this thing is important to your family

part 3 do you think are better, old things or new things? well as family photographs, what are some other things that people keep in their family for a long time? your culture, what sorts of things do people often pass down from generation to generation? do you think people keep these things? are the benefits of keeping some old things in the family? you think it’s good to recall the past?地点类

a place where you go to relax(new)you should say: where it is what you usually do there how often you go there and explain why it relaxes you

a tall building in your hometown(new)you should say: where it is what it is used for what it looks like and explain why you like/ dislike it describe a tall building in your hometown you like or should say: where this building is;what it looks like;what it is used for;and explain why you like or dislike it.可能的ideas 1 shopping complex 2 business building 3 clock tower 4 government building 5 iconic building do you think it is better to live in tall buildings or in a house? 观点1:住宅楼相对比较便宜

原因:住宅区有很多studio flats,比较便宜 满足单身人士,年轻人居住


举例:旁边剧院、超市、gym,工作的地点走可到 结果:非常方便

why chinese and western people have different choices about where they live? 观点1:人口问题

原因:中国人口多,大城市密集 结果:只能修高楼

对比:外国人口少,大部分人住在detached houses


原因:中国的人均收入并不高,生活成本很高 结果:大部分只交得起公寓的首付 对比:外国人能够支付得起房子

do you think people will still live in the tall buildings in the future? 观点::更多人住在低密度的社区

原因1:越来越多人在家办公,不用每天去市区上班 原因2:交通工具发达,上下班很快 结果:不用住特别高的楼

相反观点:城市很多人 结果:高层建筑会越来越多

part 3 to chinese people feel about old buildings? different age groups hold the same attitude towards old buildings? it important to preserve old buildings?(why) aspect of culture do old buildings reflect? do old buildings affect the appearance of a place? benefits can people get from old buildings? you say buildings in the past are better than those of todays? you think it is worth the money to preserve old buildings? have buildings changed in the past few years?

a place in other countries you would like to work(new)you should say: where you would like to go what kind of job you would like to have when you would like to go and explain why you want to work in that place

part 3 kinds of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country? young adults work abroad? they do not work abroad, would it be helpful for them to travel in a foreign country? chinese parents encourage their children to work abroad? you had an opportunity to live abroad, which country you would like to settle down?

a garden you have visited(new)you should say: where it was what it looks like what you did there and explain why you liked it there

part 3 public gardens very important in china? there many public gardens in china? you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown? do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city? public gardens are laid out in a rather complex way? you think governments should provide public gardens for people to visit? do people do when they go to a public garden? do people of different age groups use public gardens?

口语讲堂第42期:park/public garden

a sport stadium that is important in your city(new)you should say: where it is;how often you go there;what people do there;and explain why you think it is important

part 3 do chinese people play sports? you prefer indoor sports or outdoor sports? are the benefits of group sports? can children benefit from doing sports? young people try dangerous sports?

an interesting public place in your city you should say: where is this place what you can do there who you like to go with and explain why you think this is an interesting place

part 3 measures should be taken to deal with noise in public places? should people behave in public places? do people like to visit on weekends? expensive buildings a waste of money?

a(short)journey that you dislike you should say: where you went;who you went with;what you did;and explain why you disliked this journey

part 3 thee any special places for visiting in china? chinese people like to travel abroad? can people benefit from travelling? you like to travel on your own or with your family? you like to visit popular places or less-known places? people prefer short trips or long trips? kinds of problems would people have when they go on a long trip?

a special trip you would like to go on in the future you should say: where this place is;who you would like to go with;what would you do there;and explain why this would be a special trip

part 3 there any special places for visiting in china? chinese people like to travel abroad? can people benefit from travelling? you like to travel on your own or with your family? you like to visit popular places or less-well known places?

口语讲堂第45期:special trip!


an occasion a person/ something that made you laugh(new)you should say: when this happened where this happened who were there and explain why you laughed

part 3 would you define happiness? chinese people like to watch comedy? is the most popular comedian in china? do you do when you feel unhappy? do children tend to be happier than adults?

a time you planned for a happy event(new)you should say: what event it was how you planned for it who helped you and explain how you felt about it

a time you missed an important appointment for something(new)you should say: when and where it happened what the appointment was for what happened when you missed it and explain how you felt about the appointment

part 3 often do you make appointment? it important to be punctual in your country? it easy to make an appointment in china? describe a time you missed an appointment you should say when and where it happened what the appointment was for what happened when you missed it and explain how you felt about missing the appointment

可能的idea 1 忘记去看医生2 忘记见老师决定dissertation 的题目3 忘记开小组会议4 忘记谈生意


how to avoid forgetting things? 观点1:使用科技

举例:手机记录重要的事情important appoitments 举例2:手机设闹钟 set a clock


举例:每个月的事情要提前写好,放在wall calendar 上 举例2:每天要弄to-do list

is it important to be punctual in your country? 看情况

观点1:如果是不准时上班,开会,往往不能接受attend a meeting on time 原因:准时是商业社会的文化之一business world 结果:不准时被认为是不够尊重,对事情不够投入 have a commitment

观点2:如果是朋友之间的聚会,迟到没什么 原因:朋友更加宽容understanding 特定化:特别是交通不好的情况

只要打电话提前通知就好 in advance

a time you needed to use imagination(new)you should say: what the situation was why you needed to use imagination what the difficulties were and explain how you felt about it

part 3 do most children have wild imagination? kinds of books can boost people’s imagination? you like to watch movies about the future? can schools do for students’ creativity?

a time you were very busy(new)you should say: when it happened where you were what you did and explain why you were that busy

part 3 you like the fast pace of modern life? do you feel when you are really busy? ’s the best way to deal with stress? kind of lifestyle is suitable to people in modern society? relaxation techniques do you usually use?

a bicycle/ motorbike/ car trip that is interesting that you want to go(new)you should say: where you would like to do how you would like to go there who you would like to go with and explain why you would like to go there by bike, motorbike or car

part 3 chinese people prefer to travel by car or by train? are the advantages of travelling with a group of people? young people travel abroad? do chinese people like to travel? international trip popular with people in your country?

describe a motor/bicycle/car trip that is interesting where you would like to go how you would like to go there who you would like to go with explain why you think the trip is interesting 1 去海边烧烤 2 去乡下玩 3 去深山玩 4 去看古建筑 5 去支教 what is the most popular means of transport in your country? 观点:地铁

原因:速度快,不受堵车困扰 对比:公交或者自驾容易堵车

观点2:有些小城市,踩车或者是摩托车 原因:城市人少,收入低


do you think travelling by bike will be replaced by cars in the future? 立场:是的

原因1:骑自行车上班耗时长,不适应城市快节奏生活方式 原因2:没有专用自行车道,安全无法保证

原因3:夏天骑自行车去上班会出很多汗,公司没有淋浴的地方 对比:开车速度快,更为舒适和安全


原因:人们很环保,觉得踩车不会产生污染 原因2:人们觉得骑车是种运动,比较健康

do you think the means of transport differ in different places? 立场:是的



an interesting or unusual thing you did recently(new)you should say: what you did when and where you did it who you did it with and explain why you think it was interesting or unusual

part 3 do people in china spend their leisure time, for example, after school or work or on weekends? e how adults and children spend their leisure time. kinds of things do families in china do together in their leisure time? you say that people have enough leisure time today? do you think science and technology has changed people’s life in the past few years? e the way men and women spend their leisure time.a short trip you often take but dislike(new)you should say: where you usually go whom you go with when you take the trip and explain why you dislike this trip

part 3 there any special places for visiting in china? chinese people like to travel aboard? can people benefit from travelling? you like to ravel on your own or with your family? you like to visit popular places or less-known places? people prefer short trips or long trips? kinds of problems would people have when they go on a long trip?

an occasion you got up extremely early you should say: when this happened what you needed to do that day who you were with and how you felt about getting up early that day

part 3 usually get up early, young people or old people? working late at night influence the next day’s work? young chinese stay up late at night? it easy for you to get up early? do you do to guarantee a good sleep? you sleep well if there is noise around?

describean occasion you got up extremely should say when this happened what you needed to do thatday who you were with and how you felt aboutgetting up that early on that day 可能的ideas:1 出去旅游看日出 2 出去实习要早点走 3 陪爷爷早起锻炼 4 去参加一个考试 5 去参加一个interview 6 参加一个晨读,学习外语 7 上网络课程8 出差

do you like to get up early? 是的

观点: 早起的鸟儿有虫子吃 the early bird catches the worm 原因:早睡早起,精神充沛,早点学习和工作 结果:更有竞争力


原因: 不会熬夜看电视和打游戏 stay up all night 结果:身体更好

why do many successful people say that they get up early? 观点1:起床早的人非常自律 well-disciplined 原因:他们做很多事情都非常专注 have a commitment 举例:按时完成工作,按时出席会议,约会从不迟到 结果:别人更加愿意和他们工作,更容易成功

观点2:起床早的人非常勤奋hardworking 原因:他们工作时间更长


do you think it’s better to finish something early or leave it until the last moment? 观点1:提早完成可以检查工作 结果:发现问题就可以解决

举例:早点完成report,检查后才给上司 submit the report

观点2:不至于miss the deadline 原因:一个工作需要的时间往往比预测的长

举例:写作业过程中,可能突然借不到书,可能家人生病要照顾 结果:早点完成就有更多的时间

a situation that you got a little angry you should say: where it happened;when it happened;who you were with;and why you felt angry

part 3 do you control your anger? would some people get angry easily? does people’s mood get affected? it important to be calm? would you do if you make others angry at you? what ways can people manage their anger well?

a mistake that you once made you should say: what the mistake was;when, where you made it;who was with you;and how the mistake affected you

part 3 should teachers do when students make mistakes? can people learn from mistakes? you often make mistakes? mistakes help people be more successful? to avoid making mistake

an occasion when you ate a kind of food for the first time you should say: when you had it;where you ate it;what it was;and how you felt about it

part 3 you like to try new food? kinds of foreign food are popular in your country? you like to cook at home? it expensive to eat out in your country? ’s the difference between chinese food and western food?

a positive change in your life you should say: what the change was;when it happened;how it happened;and explain why it was a positive change part 3 your country changing rapidly? can smart phones do these days? most people do work on their computers, why do they still need to go to the offices? you think people’s work in the future will be heavily affected by the technology? e the pace of technological progress in the pass and now.生活休闲

activity near water(new) activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean? do some people like water sports? you think the government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports? you think that human activity is posing a threat to the oceans of the world? do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling on the oceans? you think it’s important for children to learn how to swim? you think it’s best for a child to be taught how to swim by a parent or by someone els?

outdoor activities do you do in your spare time? you like outdoor activities? much time do you spend outdoors every week? often do you do outdoor activities? types of outdoor activities are popular in your country? do you usually do in your leisure time? can people make full use of leisure time? you have enough leisure time? is the most popular thing for people in your country enjoy doing to relax in leisure time?

walking you like to walk? you like to walk on your own or with others? you say that your city is a good place for walking? and where do you usually walk? do you walk with? you think walking helps with health? you often do outdoor games in your childhood? 抽象话题

advertisement there many advertisements in your country? do you think there are so many advertisements now? are the various places where we see advertisements? do you feel about advertisement? you often see some advertisements in the place where you live? do you like advertisements on tv? they encourage/persuade you to buy some related products? do you like advertisements on the internet? do you think about the developing in advertising in china today?

birthdays do children celebrate birthdays in your country? did you celebrate your last birthday? kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive? there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and in the present? do chinese people celebrate their birthdays? do people celebrate children’s birthdays today? important are birthdays in your country? do children get for their birthdays in your country? you like to celebrate your birthday with your parents or with your friends? ’s the most important birthday for people in your country? 1 people in your country prefer to celebrate birthdays according to the lunar or the solar calendar? one do you think is more important, the birthdays of a child or those of an adult?

colors(new) colors do you like? ’s the most popular color in china?

you like to wear clothes in bright colors? ’s the different between men and women’s preference on colors? colors affect your mood?

communicate(new) you good at communicating with others? do you usually communicate with your friends? often do you communicate with your parents? you think there is any difference between communicating with friends and parents?(letters or emails) you write many letters or emails? do you usually write to? you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer? often do you write an email or a letter? are the differences between emails and letters? you think people will still write letters in the future?(mobile phone)which one do you prefer, emails or letters? 1 you prefer calling people or texting me you ever got difficulties replying texts? you text people back? 1 can’t people answer your phone?

emails and letters(new) you write many letters or emails? you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer? do you more often write, emails or letters? often do you write an email or a letter? are the differences between emails and letters? do you usually write about? do you usually write to? it hard to think of what to write? kind(s)of letter/email do you think is(are)the hardest to write? do you feel when you receive a letter or email? 1 kinds of emails(or letters)do you receive that make you feel happy? 1 you think people will still write letters in the future?

handcraft(new) you learnt any skill from school to make something by hand? you think it is important for children to learn those skills? there anything you want to make by hand in the future? you like collecting things made by hand? handcrafts popular in china? you think making handcrafts are meaningful activities?

handwriting(new) you usually write by hand or write using a computer(typewriter or word-processor)? ys, how do most people write things? you think computers might one day replace handwriting? do children begin to write in your country? did you learn to write? you think handwriting is very important(nowadays)? can children today improve(or, practice)their handwriting? impression does a person's handwriting have on other people?

history you like history class? was the last time you read history books? are the differences between learning history from books and from watching films? you like films adapted from real history? you think museums are important? you think it is suitable for museums to sell things to visitor? you like(to learn about)history? historical event do you find most interesting? you think history is important? you like to watch programs on tv about history? 1 you think you(= one)can(really)learn history from films and/or tv programs? 1 you think the internet is a good place to learn about history? you name a person from history whom you would like to learn more about? would you like to learn more about him/her?

newspaper(new) you often read newspapers? do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers? kinds of newspaper do you usually read? old were you when yo

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