

分类:句子日期:2023-04-14 10:25:54


Don't bet on god, don't guess the heart. You can't bet on providence, you can't guess the heart.


Anything that can't be eaten can be eaten in a trash can, and any problem that can't be solved can be solved by time.


Which period of youth is not absurd? Which love is not hurt? Fortunately, there was still time; Fortunately, it will grow up, but also put down.


Life is a tough fight, whether it's a pain killer or a slap in the face, it's all about building up your courage alone, no exception.


Be warm on the hot, be cold on the ice, please forgive my life love hate clear not qiao.


My umbrella does not belong to me, I would rather walk in the rain; Do not belong to my heart, I will not retain; I don't care for things that don't belong to me.


The truth is worse than a white lie.


Don't care too much about the things that can't be changed, people who can't stay try to learn to give up, injured heart try to heal themselves, in addition to life and death, are small things.


Work hard, the more I grow up, the more I find: work this thing, sometimes more reliable than love.


We have been looking for, but it is their own original already have; We always look around, but miss what we want, which is why we can't get it so far.


Don't be shy about saying “no” to people. People who are shy about giving you a hard time are not good people anyway.


In your most struggling years, you should love someone who motivates you, not someone who exhausts you.


Time will leave the best person for you in the end, after all, like is a gust of wind, and love is a steady stream.


Those who leave you without saying goodbye will probably never see you again. After all, those who are disappointed enough will never look back.


I hope you are mature and mature, and the more you live, the better you become.


There are a thousand expectations in the world, the best of which is tomorrow. There are also a thousand kinds of lies in life, the biggest kind is called the future.

标签:垃圾   绝处逢生     朋友圈   短句  
