

分类:范文日期:2023-11-04 21:31:17




researchers looked at climate change effect on the arctic sea and calculated the likelihood of this projected population drop is 71 percent.


that's because polar bears stand on arctic sea ice when hunting for seals. according to nasa, even the thickest ice in the arctic ocean has "either thinned or melted away."


and just this week, scientists reported sea ice levels in the area were at a record low for this time of year.


this all adds up to not great news for polar bears. with an estimated population of 26,000, the bears are already listed as a vulnerable species by the international union for the conservation of nature.



it's not a simple thing to say to kill animals. because on the earth, there are many kinds of animals, the number is amazing, and some animals have very strong reproductive capacity. so, to get rid of all the animals quickly, we must rely on skills.

there is a kind of higher animal on the earth, called human. it's no exaggeration to say that they are "the king of animal killers". it is no longer a dream to destroy all the animals on the earth as long as we have human beings.

to eliminate animals, we must first kill and eat. this method is simple, but also can eat. if you can kill some rare animal, grilled skin to sell, will earn eighteen thousand, why not?? in this respect, human being is the first great man. from ancient times to the present, the ambition has not changed, and the tools are becoming more and more advanced. from stones to cannons, from sticks to rifles, the animals were killed and quickly extinct!

in order to eliminate animals, it is necessary to start with science and technology. take the goods, what is the higher animal, have found that rodents are very fertile, and there are a lot of animal feed to rats, they want to kill the rats. "so early". therefore, some scientists, taking the banner of "scientific research", take a lot of white mice as experimental victims, and disguise the "body structure of mice is very similar to human beings". moreover, after mastering science and technology, a lot of rat poison, pesticide and mousetrap have been produced to accelerate the eradication of rodents. mouse disappears, chain will be seriously affected, other animal cannot survive, humans are clever!

to eliminate animals, we must also start with the environment. although this method takes a lot of time, the effect is amazing. a prairie or a forest into a desert means the elimination of thousands of animals. of course, the wise man thought of this. they have cut trees and abused water, which has rapidly increased the area of the earth's desert and also rapidly reduced the species on the earth. moreover, human beings also use vehicle exhaust to cause acid rain. this acid rain is very effective for eliminating fish, and it can kill other animals and plants by the way.

the task of eradication of animals is a long way to go. fortunately, there is a clever human being, believing that in the unremitting efforts of human beings, the eradication of animals will eventually become a reality.

see here you may ask: how did the human be eliminated? isn't human being an animal? well, you can feel relieved. when human beings have destroyed other animals, the doomsday of human beings is here!


two years ago, my family had a lovely puppy, although it had already left me, but she was still clearly in my mind.

remember when it first came to my house, very noisy, noisy family jiquanbuning, but hard work pays off, after my mother's care, the dog has become my good friend.

the size of a puppy is not big. its size is small and its size is small. its round head is studded with black eyes. a pair of big ears can be heard if only a little noise is heard.

the dog's hair just like cotton played, feels very comfortable. its tail is so long that it warped like a bamboo. since the puppy has become a friend with me, every morning it bites the quilt with sharp teeth until i call me.

but one day, the unfortunate thing happened, it was a car broke, since it does not eat does not drink, i came back from school, saw it lying on the ground, motionless, i ran to call it, but it had no reaction, it is really dead, i my heart like a needle like pain, i put it in his arms, tears soaked it down, if it is too cold, i took off my mother gave me to buy a new jacket draped over the dog, mind my puppy......

that lovely puppy, my childhood partner, has brought me a lot of happiness, and i can't forget it so far.








you know, there's a lovely puppy in the aunt's house. it has white hair all over the body, white as cotton candy; its eyes are black and white, like two precious stones; ears are semicircle, nose is black, tail is short. it's really beautiful!

one day, i went to the aunt's home to play. as soon as i entered the door, i saw the dog barking in the doorway, as if welcoming me to his house. i saw it, smiled and said: "small naughty, do not worry, i will play with you immediately!"."

as i entered the room, i sat down on the sofa and wanted to rest for a while. but it licks me with its tongue. i can't stand this kind of "affectionate" reception, so i have to go out with him.

outside, we played hide and seek. i hid in the middle of the back of the car, waiting for it to come to me. after a while, i saw him running nimbly towards this place. suddenly, it came to me with a slam on the brakes, but it didn't realize my existence. so i decided to come and see what it was like.

it was the body of the hair, like a bath. it spat out its tongue against the sun. yes, the weather is so hot today, just like the fire on the ground. but it also found me at this time. ah! it become more lovely! light shining white hair, looks very smooth. its eyes were fixed on me, a smile on my face, as if to say, "look, boy, i've found it."".

i really like this cute puppy!

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